I’ll be presenting an educational session in the IP Showcase Theatre at this year’s IBC show in Amsterdam.

The full IP Showcase schedule can be found here: http://www.ipshowcase.org/theatre-schedule-ibc2019/

Following the positive feedback on my session last year on the basics of IP Video this year I’m teaming up with Wes Simpson (Telecom Product Consultants) to deliver a foundation session covering all aspects of IP in Media Production.

As is the theme of the IP Showcase the presentation will very much revolve around the SMPTE ST-2110 family of standards but we’ll also cover IP basics, PTP and NMOS.

So many presentations have already been done on this topic so Wes and I are aiming to consolidate it all into one place and dig a little deeper so hopefully this will be a great reference session.

The Session is scheduled for the following times:

  • Friday 13th September @ 11:00 – 12:30
  • Tuesday 17th September @ 10:00 – 11:30

We will of course post a link to it in our Knowledge Feed once it is published after the show.